The Automatic/Project Manager©
APM/Business-Plan Tool™ - An Outline of an effective Business Plan that helps you Think & Plan ahead. Includes space for: Executive Summary; Mission Statement; Business Opportunities; Strategic Advantages; Best Practices; Quality Assurance; and "Time & Motion Studies". Helps you Identify Strategic Disadvantages; Financial Projections; Industry Environment; Projected Future Position; Organization Chart; Equipment Requirements; Potential Customers; Direct Competitors; Products & Services and Marketing Plan.
APM/Estimator-Underground Bid-tool™ - Simplifies the Bid process for Underground Pipeline Rehabilitation, increases accuracy & flexibility, provides Direct & Indirect costs, calculates "Away" costs, Applies Prevailing Wage rates, assures ROI & has a 65% successful Bid-Win rate.
APM/Material Tracking-tool™ - Provides for tracking of Special Material Inventory (currently set up for Cooler Wall & Ceiling material). Can be adapted for any Material.
APM/Equipment Tracking-tool™ - provides for Inventory and tracking of Vehicles, Trailers and Equipment and compares Rental rates vs Contractor supplied Costs
APM/Time & Motion Analysis-tool™ - live Analysis of each Job Function – Removes Roadblocks and identifies Process changes to improve Productivity, enhance Bid Competitiveness and increase ROI Profits
APM/Best-Practices ID-tool™ - Identifies Individuals, Teams, and/or Processes that have the Best Safety, Productivity, Quality, and Customer Satisfaction Results, then Institutionalizes these “Best Practices” through written Instructions & formalized Training.
(In WORD format so you can tailor them to your specifications)
APM/Owner-Contractor Agreement
APM/Contractor-Subcontractor Agreement
APM/Request for Information (RFI)
APM/Executive Bid Proposal
APM/Submittal Transmittal
APM/Subcontractor Warranty
APM/Subcontractor Conditional Waiver & Release
APM/Project Warranty
Is the
Automatic/Project Manager©
Right For You?
Project Management
The Automatic/Project Manager©, after a minimal amount of manual setup, will track your Project's data, in a way that, aids you in accurately scheduling your Trades, maximizing efficiency & reducing cost. It also provides you the capability to view, at any time, the overall state of your project. You will be amazed to see it Automatically provide you with:
Project Agreement details
CSI codes & description list
“Schedule of Values” (SOV) list
Subcontractor - CSI list
Work Schedule - (CSI Flow)
Gantt/Pert Chart
Project “Cash Flow” Tracking
Project End - OP&I+Pickup=Cash Bal
Billing Management
The Automatic/Project Manager© eliminates the last-minute scramble each month, to find & manually transcribe your Billing & (SOV) supporting information onto complicated forms to mail to the Owner. Instead, just enter each item's % completed that month and receive (Auto-generated) forms, all filled out, accurate to the penny, and ready to email to the Owner:
Mobilization-Draw Application (if any)
Monthly Progress Payment Applications
"Schedule of Values" Balance/Summary
Retainage Summary
Certificate of Substantial Completion
Payment Application (include retainage)
Punch List
Certificate of Final Completion
Profit/Cost Management
The Automatic/Project Manager© tracks and documents your Subcontractor costs so precisely that it eliminates the payment controversy that many Contractors experience with their Subs, usually due to questionable record keeping on both sides. It also provides the capability to effectively manage other Contractor costs/expenses by Automatically producing:
Subcontractor Price per Work-Item list
Profit 'Pickup" Tracking
General Conditions Management
Change Orders: Owner-Contractor
Change Orders: Contractor-Subcontractor
Overhead, Profit & Insurance (OP&I) Track
Subcontractor Monthly Payout Tracking
Subcontractor Payout Summary
ROI Tracking & Summary